Privacy Policy

Basic Policy on Personal Information Protection

Impression Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) believes that it is an important social responsibility to properly handle and protect your personal information. We have established a personal information protection policy as follows and strive to protect personal information.

Appropriate collection, use, provision and consignment of personal information

  1. When collecting personal information, we will specify the purpose of use, collect the necessary range of information, notify or announce the purpose of use, and use it within that scope.
  2. Collected personal information will not be provided or disclosed to third parties except in the following cases.
    • When the consent of the individual is obtained in advance
    • When using the method of Article 23, paragraph 2 (opt-out) or paragraph 3 (joint use) of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
    • When providing or disclosing information in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, etc.
  3. When entrusting personal information to a third party and using it, we will consider the appropriateness of entrusting it in light of the status of security control measures at the third party, We will appropriately supervise the subcontractor by, for example, providing it after concluding a retention agreement.

Security control measures for personal information

In order to prevent and correct unauthorized access to personal information, leakage, loss or damage of personal information, we will establish internal regulations and strive for safety measures.

Corrective action

We will strive to respond appropriately to changes in the social environment regarding the handling of personal information. In addition, we will make efforts to improve, such as changing, modifying, or adding to various regulations, etc., including this policy as necessary.

Responding to requests for disclosure, correction, etc.

If you think that we are not complying with this personal information protection policy, or if you wish to disclose, correct, add or delete your personal information, or stop using it, please contact us here (head office: +81-6-6489-5656) or contact us using the inquiry form. We will respond within a reasonable period and within a reasonable scope.

Complaint handling

We will endeavor to handle complaints regarding the handling of personal information appropriately and promptly.

This basic policy shall be made available for viewing at any time by posting it on the Company’s Internet home page.

April 1, 2008
Impression Co.,Ltd. CEO Yuichi Kojima

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